Setting a quit day is a very important part of the recovery process when tackling a masturbation, sex or porn addiction. Many people randomly decide they want to quit and it’s usually after a long binge, guilt or consequences. If you’re not prepared though, the chances of it succeeding won’t be that great. Setting a quit date should be monumental; a specific day or time that you choose, a day when you know you have done all the work to prepare yourself for things like triggers and how to handle life stress.

The Day Your Life Will Change

For some people this day will be a day for them to remember on their own but if you feel you can tell someone, that’s a good option as well. Not everyone has people that know about their sexual addiction so it’s okay if that is you and you want to keep the information to yourself. There will be times where you will want to celebrate this day so make sure you pick a date you will remember. Your quit day will be life changing. 

quit porn

Time is of the Essence

I usually recommend setting a date that is no longer than 30 days from now. You’ll need time to set yourself up for success but you don’t want to drag it out for too long.

Start Tapering Down your Behaviors Now

Once you set that date, the less you can engage in your porn habit, masturbation, or sex, the better. Some people feel like they want to do a huge binge right before their quit date and that isn’t a great idea. The more you engage in the sexual behavior the worse you will feel so try to taper down as best as you can leading up to your day. The time leading up to your quit day should be one that’s focused on making daily life easier. 

Celebrate the Day

And once you have that date planned, mark it on your calendar as that will be your day to celebrate from here on out. 

Enroll Today

Part of our program here at CSPMA includes setting a quit day. If you’re not sure how to go about getting started enroll in our course and we’ll be there for you throughout your whole recovery journey. An addiction to porn and sex isn’t easy but you will have our support every step of the way.

Your Life Will Change

The effects of porn on the brain over a period of time can be devastating. The consumption of pornography changes the neural pathways but this is reversible. When you quit internet pornography though, you will find that things will start to improve including your sex life, mental health, and other addictive habits.


CSPMA uses a holistic approach which means we focus on how you can improve your physical health, your mental health and establishing healthy relationships.  Your mental health should improve during this journey but if you’re struggling with your mental health you may need to counselling or behavioural therapy alongside CSPMA.

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